Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024

Blog Update

Hey beautiful souls,

Pardon my absence on here, but I have been in a season that required me to solely focus on my well-being.

However, I am excited to begin spending some of my leisure time pouring into my blog again moving forward.

With that being said, I wanted to provide a brief update on the formatting of my blog. When I created my blog a few years ago, I originally started out creating blog posts in the format of text. However, recently I decided to revamp the format of my blog. Instead of typing blog posts for you all to read, I have decided to shift to video entries.

Each video that I upload in my video entries section of my blog will consist of me sharing all of the miraculous ways that God continuously works in my life.

I am so excited to begin filming and sharing the goodness of God in my life vicariously through my videos!

ā€” KeShawndra

Sneak peek: I created this comfy little corner to film my videos in.

a yellow pillow is on a chair next to a lamp